from July 5th. – August 4th, 2019 you can see pictures by Ms. Knobloch about Uganda and Deseret Foundation e.V. in the Pfalzmuseum Forchheim. Victoria Knobloch is, among other things, a professional photographer and of course always had her camera with her on her many trips to Uganda. This resulted in many great shots from the project, but she also traveled to other corners of Uganda and captured the many facets of this fascinating country. Victoria Knobloch was particularly enthusiastic about the Karamojong region in the north of the country, where the original tribal life is still intact.
The photographer’s portraits are like windows into people’s souls. The photographer says: “As far as portraits and generally good motifs are concerned, the most important thing when traveling is: run, run, run until you are “given” a good situation or encounter. I see every good portrait as a gift, or Blessings. After all, it can only “happen” to me and I can’t “do” it. From my point of view, I just have to be aware of the situation and have enough awareness and openness to be able to perceive it good dialogue or like an intense encounter, even if only for a moment. This happens non-verbally and on a deeper level and both parties are aware when the person portrayed opens up and gives me an insight into their innermost being, that is a magical moment . This doesn’t always happen, of course, but when it does, these are always the best portraits.”