In 2020/2021 we purchased new school furniture for our Deseret Community School in Uganda with the support of the “Edith-Haberland-Wagner Foundation”. The new school furniture now significantly improves the school situation, even if not all students can benefit from it at the moment, as school operations have been brought to a standstill due to the Corona measures and only the 6th and 7th grades are allowed to study. We hope that this will change soon.
The furniture is very beautiful and was made by hand. Now the students have their own desk and chair, which means they can learn more concentratedly and individually. We have purchased furniture in different colors for the very little ones in order to relieve them of the typically dreary Ugandan everyday life and to give them a little joy. The large tables for the new school library have also become very nice and now give the children the opportunity to read stories or play games together. In general, equipping the school with the new furniture has greatly improved its standard and significantly optimized the learning environment. We hope that by improving the learning environment, children will enjoy learning more.