Very poor families live in the village where our school is located. Some people work hard to enable their children to attend school, but usually still don’t make it financially. This means that children have no access to education. We want to counteract this with your help. How can you help? With a sponsorship !
The best remedy against poverty is education! A child with a good education has the chance to develop. This means they can create a livelihood in Uganda and thus have the opportunity to find their way out of poverty. The children in Uganda want to go to school. For example, you want to become a doctor or engineer and you know that you need a good school qualification to do this.
With a monthly contribution of just EUR 15, you change a child’s life 100% because they now have the opportunity to go to school and therefore a chance for a better future and a better life.
What does the child get:
– School education/school fees
– Writing utensils
– Examination fees
– Hot lunch at school
– School clothes
– Hope and future opportunities
– Development opportunities so that he or she can create a livelihood in Uganda
What do you get:
– Regular information about the child’s development
– Letters from the child in which he reports about his life
– 2 photos per year
– The sponsorship usually ends with the completion of primary school (grade P7).
Some children then attend secondary school in Jinja. In these cases, the sponsorship can be continued in consultation with us.
A monthly payment of 15 EUR works best via a standing order to the Donation account and also a one-off payment of 180 EUR per year is also possible.
You can cancel the payment at any time without giving reasons by sending an informal message. Deseret Foundation e.V. is a recognized non-profit association and is happy to issue donation receipts upon request. If you are interested, please send us an email with your address so that we can send you the letters and photos to:
German Donation Account:
Deseret Foundation e.V.
IBAN: DE63600100700975275707